S.No. | Name of the Supervisor / Co-Supervisor |
Name of the Ph.D. Scholar | Mode of Ph.D. | Registration Number | Date of Registration | Research Topic | Likely Date of Completion | Availing Fellowship | Funding Agency of Fellowship |
Updated on: 14/02/2025 | |||||||||
1. | Rupam K Bhunia | Deepika Gupta | Full Time | 24-25/195/Ph.D. | 08/01/2025 | 31/12/2029 | Yes | SERB | |
2. | Dr. Shivraj Hariram Nile | Aman Sharma | Full Time | 24-25/192/R&S | 08/01/2025 | 10/01/2030 | No | ||
3. | Dr. Jagtar Singh | Dikshant | Full Time | 24-25/193/Ph.D. | 08/01/2025 | 30/01/2030 | No | ||
4. | Dr. Amit Kumar Rai | Puja Sarkar | Full Time | 24-25/Ph.D. | 08/01/2025 | 27/12/2024 | Yes | NABI | |
5. | Dr. Vikas Rishi | Ashish Abkari | Full Time | 24-25/194/Ph.D. | 08/01/2025 | 31/12/2024 | No | ||
6. | Dr.Jagtar Singh | Dudhagi Shivanand Suresh | Full Time | 2024-EZ-12 | 17/09/2024 | Molecular and funational characterization of TaOSCA(s) (hyperosmolality-gated calcium-permeable channels) from Triticum aestivum in heterologous system(s) | 16/09/2029 | No | |
7. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Rohit Soni | Full Time | 2024-EZ-14 | 17/09/2024 | Cell suspension culture, transcriptomics and metabolomics studies to understand the biosynthesis of medicinally and economically important compounds in Narcissus poeticus | 16/09/2029 | No | |
8. | Dr. Panneerselvam Krishna Murthy | Sorav | Full Time | 2024-EZ-13 | 17/09/2024 | Characterization of saponin polymorphism in irradiation - induced TILLING population of soybean (Glycine max) | 16/09/2029 | No | |
9. | DR. Jagtar Singh Dr. Promila Pathak |
Komal Sharma | Full Time | 2023-EZ-152 | 06/05/2024 | 30/05/2029 | No | ||
10. | Dr. Nitin K Singhal | AKASH THAKUR | Full Time | 2023-EZ-151 | 04/05/2024 | 02/05/2029 | No | ||
11. | Dr. MoniKa Garg | Ritu Nain | Full Time | 23-24/163/Ph.D | 08/01/2024 | No | |||
12. | Dr. Sivasubramanian R | Promila | Full Time | 23-24/162/Ph.D. | 08/01/2024 | Yes | DBT | ||
13. | Dr. A K Pandey | kanupriya Agrawal | Full Time | 23-24/164/Ph.D. | 08/01/2024 | Yes | JRF-NABI | ||
14. | Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal | Simran | Full Time | 23-24/19/Phd 28616000025 | 18/09/2023 | Development of Aptasensor based lateral flow device for the detection of food contaminants | 18/09/2028 | Yes | PRoject GAP-46 JRF |
15. | Dr. Siddharth Tiwari Dr. Jagtar Singh |
Hardeep Singh | Full Time | 23-24/20/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-05 | 18/09/2023 | CRISPR/Case-9 based Genome Editing for Reducing Anti-Nutrient Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides in Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) | 18/09/2028 | Yes | SRF-NABI Core |
16. | Dr. Sudhir Pratap Singh | Nidhi Gossai | Full Time | 23-24/21/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-11 | 18/09/2023 | Biomanufacturing of a high value rare sugar L-fuctose employing novel enzyme vatiants | 18/09/2028 | Yes | CSIR-JRF |
17. | Dr. Mahendra Bishnoi | Babita Bhatt | Full Time | 23-24/22/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-11 | 18/09/2023 | Neurobehavioral effects of a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet: sex differences and neural circuits involved | 18/09/2023 | Yes | JRF-MK Bhan |
18. | Dr. Sudhir Pratap Singh | Sathaye Shantnu Bhushan | Full Time | 23-24/23/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-13 | 18/09/2023 | Development of a protease deficient Bacillus subtilis strain and genome integration mediated enzymatic production of D-Allulose | 18/09/2028 | Yes | Project Fellowship (CIAB)-GAP-23 |
19. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Jyoti | Full Time | 23-24/24/Ph.D. 2023-EZ-13 | 18/09/2023 | In-vitro regeneration studies and optimization of suspension culture for extraction of secondary metabolites from medicinally important plants Saussurea lappa and Nardostachys jatamansi | 18/09/2028 | No | |
20. | Prof. Neena Capalash Prof. Prince Sharma |
Priya Gill | Full Time | 22-23/184/Ph.D. 2022-EZ-80 | 19/01/2023 | Prevalence and characterization of antimicrobial resistome in environment bacterial strains | 18/01/2028 | Yes | UGC-CSIR |
21. | Kanthi Kiran Kondepudi | Luxumi Kumari | Full Time | 22-23/132/Ph.D. 18213001430 | 24/11/2022 | Role of Amaranth Grains in mitigating High fat diet induced metabolic and gut microbial changes | 23/11/2022 | Yes | ICAR-ASRB (NET) |
22. | Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal | Nikita | Full Time | 22-23/133/Ph.D. 2022-EZ-59 | 01/09/2022 | Development of aptamer based electrochemical biosensor for the detection of persicide | 31/08/2027 | Yes | National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) |
23. | Dr. Kakoli Biswas Dr. Arti Arya |
Neha | Full Time | 22-23/39/Ph.D. 17518004110 | 26/07/2022 | Kinetics and functional studies of novel antimicrobial peptides isolated from Momordica charantia and Trichosanthes dioica | 23/07/2027 | No | |
24. | Dr. Kakoli Biswas Dr. Rupinderjeet Kaur |
Muskan | Full Time | 22-23/38/PhD 18116001617 | 26/07/2022 | Analysis and charactterization of antimicrobial peptides puridied from Bougainvillea sp | 23/07/2027 | No | |
25. | Dr. Vikas Rishi | Shivangi Gupta | Full Time | 2022-EZ-60 22-23/134/Ph.D. | 13/07/2022 | Unravelling molecular mechanism triggering cognitive sysfunction in Hepatic Encephalopathy | 11/06/2027 | Yes | National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) |
26. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Jai Shree | Full Time | 2021-EZ-144, 21-22/368/Ph.D. | 25/03/2022 | 24/03/2027 | Yes | DST-INSPIRE | |
27. | Dr. Sudhir P. Singh | Ashutosh Kumar Singh | Full Time | 2021-EZ-165 21-22/414/Ph.D. | 02/03/2022 | No | |||
28. | Dr. Neena Capalash Dr. Prince Sharma |
Vipasha Thakur | Full Time | 2021-EZ-104 21-22/218/Ph.D. | 12/01/2022 | Therapeutic potential of novel antimicrobial peptide against MDR acinetobacter baumannii | No | ||
29. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Rinku Balhara | Full Time | 21-22/127/Ph.D. 2021-ez-67 | 08/10/2021 | To study the crosstalk between long non-coding RNAs and MYB transcription factors for enhancement of drought tolenatce in Brassica sp. | 07/10/2026 | Yes | DBT-JRF |
30. | Dr. Kashmir Singh Dr. Santosh K. Upadhayay |
Yashraaj Sharma | Full Time | 21-22/128/Ph.D. 2021-EZ-68 | 08/10/2021 | Identification and characterization of CCX exchanger of CaCA superfamily in Triticum aestivum L. and their function in plant development and stress response | 07/01/2026 | Yes | UGC-JRF |
31. | Prof. Jagtar Singh | Manisha Sharma | Full Time | 21-22/99/Ph.D. 2021-ez-50 | 29/09/2021 | Characterization of L-asparaginase from microbial source. | 28/09/2026 | Yes | DST-INSPIRE |
32. | Dr. Siddharth Tiwari | Naveen Kumar | Full Time | 21-22/94/Ph.D 2021-ez-44 | 10/09/2021 | Identification and functinal characterization of NCED genes family in banana | Yes | DBT-JRF | |
33. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Nandni | Full Time | 21-22/83/Ph.D. 14315001233 | 01/09/2021 | Characterization of long non-coding RNAs responsive to fungal infections in Grapvine(Vitis vinifera) | Yes | CSIR-NET-JRF | |
34. | Dr. Neena Capalash Dr. Prince Sharma |
Anandita | Full Time | 21-22/72/PhD. 2021-EZ-37 | 26/08/2021 | Prevalence and mechanism of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii and development of a point of care method for its detection. | Yes | ICAR-NET | |
35. | Dr. Jagtar Singh | Riya Joon | Full Time | 21-22/56/Ph.D. 2021-EZ-40 | 09/07/2021 | Yes | NABI-JRF | ||
36. | Dr. Vikas Rishi | Shivani Gajbhiye | Full Time | 21-22/55/Ph.D. 2021-ez-45 | 01/07/2021 | Utilizing the naturalvariation in Brassica juncea accessions to identify the genetic determinants of resistance against Alternaria brassicae | 30/06/2026 | Yes | CSIR-NET-JRF |
37. | Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal | Geetika Bajaj | Full Time | 20-21/348/Ph.D. 14-BCH-09 | 30/12/2020 | Development of exosomes based therapeutic nano-formulation for amelioration of type 2 diabetes melitus | Yes | CSIR-NET-JRF | |
38. | Prof. Jagtar Singh Vijayender Bhalla |
Bharti | Full Time | 20-21/139/Ph.D./R&S 10909000402 | 23/12/2020 | 22/12/2025 | Yes | ICMR-SRF | |
39. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Hanny Chauhan | Full Time | 20-21/55/Ph.D./R&S 17615001291 | 25/09/2020 | Genome editing mediated nutritional improvement of Solanum tuberosum | 24/09/2025 | Yes | CSIR-JRF |
40. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Aiana | Full Time | 2020-EZ-27 20-21/40/Ph.D./R&S | 21/09/2020 | 20/09/2025 | Yes | UGC-JRF | |
41. | Prof. Jagdeep Kaur | Ankush Jain | Full Time | 20-21/18/ph.D./R&S 2020-EZ-07 | 25/08/2020 | Gene/Protein engineering approaches to enhance the fibrinolytic activity of Nattokinase. | 25/08/2025 | Yes | CSIR-JRF |
42. | Dr. Sudhir P Singh | Monika | Full Time | 20-21/4/Ph.D. 2020-EZ-1 | 24/06/2020 | Identification and characterization of a novel cole-active type1 pullulanase for debranchingapplications and production of resistant starch | 01/03/2024 | No | |
43. | Dr. Jagdeep Kaur Dr. Hena Dhar |
Anchal Chaudhary | Full Time | 19-20/455/Ph.D. | 30/01/2020 | Isolaton and Molecular Characterization of Very Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acid-producing Mircobes | 29/01/2025 | Yes | DST-SERB (ICAR-ARS-NET-2018) |
44. | Dr. Desh Deepak Singh | Usha | Full Time | 19-20/391/Ph.D. 2019-EZ-181 | 08/11/2019 | Purification and characterization of selected lectins | 07/11/2024 | Yes | UGC-JRF-NEt |
45. | Prof. Jagdeep Kaur | Gagandeep Kaur | Full Time | 19-20/322/Ph.D. 2019-EZ-144 | 04/11/2019 | The protein engineering approaches to develop fast acting clot buster in large scale : enhancing catalytic efficiency of streptokinase by Directed evolution | 04/11/2024 | Yes | ICMR-SRF |
46. | Prof. Jagdeep Kaur | Puneet Kaur | Full Time | 18-19/370/Ph.D. 18211001277 | 22/11/2018 | Structural and functional studies on Bacterial Plasminogen activators. | 21/11/2023 | Yes | CSIR-JRF |
47. | Dr. Jagtar Singh Dr. Tapan K. Mondal |
Megha | Full Time | 18-19/196/Ph.D./R&S | 27/08/2018 | Genome wide association Mapping for identification of QTL/gene for different traits in deep water rice etc. | 23/08/2023 | Yes | JRF |
48. | Dr. Jagtar Singh Dr. Akshay Anand |
Priya Mehra | Full Time | 17-18/514/Ph.D. | 21/03/2018 | The role of laser induced retinal injury on visual spatial memeory and its rescue by subretinal transplanation of human umblical cord bolld derived lineage negative stem cells in mice. | 20/03/2023 | Yes | CSIR-JRF |
49. | Prof. Jagdeep Kaur | Pradeep Kumar Anand | Full Time | 17-18/370/Ph.D. | 09/01/2018 | Mycobacterium lipolytic enzyme in drug resistance | 09/01/2023 | Yes | UGC-JRF |
50. | Dr. Jagdeep Kaur | Parul Singh | Full Time | 17-18/369/Ph.D 2018-EZ-23 | 09/01/2018 | characterization of Mycobacterium genes under hypoxic conditions | 09/01/2023 | Yes | UGC-JRF |
51. | Dr. Jagdeep Kaur | Ajay Chhaya | Full Time | 17-18/1/Ph.D. | 10/08/2017 | Structure function studies on truncated hemoglobins of Mycobacterium smegmatis. | 09/08/2022 | No | |
52. | Dr. Desh Deepak Singh | Maanniya | Full Time | 17-18/29/Ph.D. | 27/07/2017 | Bioinformatics analysis, Structural and functional Characterization of selected Lectins | 27/07/2020 | Yes | JRF DST-SERB |
53. | Dr. Desh Deepak Singh | Lovepreet Singh | Full Time | 17-18/28/Ph.D. | 24/07/2017 | Bioinformatics, Cloning, Expression and Structural studies on C Type Lectins | 23/07/2020 | Yes | UGC-JRF |
54. | Dr. Kashmir Singh | Naina Grewal | Full Time | 17/404/Ph.D. | 24/01/2017 | Tentative Title: To study the role of NBS-LRR genes in biotic stress tolerance in grapes | 24/01/2022 | No | |
55. | Prof. Desh Deepak Singh | Shally Sharma | Full Time | 16/1152/Ph.D | 27/08/2016 | An analysis of cancerous cell lines glycan/proteoglycan epitopes through lectin mediated interactions | 16/08/2021 | Yes | UGC-INSPIRE |
56. | Prof. Neena Capalash Prof. Prince Sharma |
Shruti Kashyap | Full Time | 14/211/Ph.D. | 03/09/2014 | Effect of intrspecies signaling molecule, indole and its derivatives on the virulence of acinetobacter baumannii and its persistence against fluoroquinolones | 03/09/2019 | Yes | ICMR |
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